1st semester (30 ECTS)
Students will attend classes in the Institute of Iberoamerica at the Universidad de Salamanca where they will learn the theoretical and methodological basis in political science, economics, history and communications about Latin America.

2nd semester (30 ECTS)
Students will be studying at the Stockholms Universitet’s Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies (NILAS), where they will focus on current challenges in Latin America, with special attention given to gender and post-colonialism, democratisation, citizenship and comparative regional integration.

3th semester (30 ECTS)
All students will be studying in Paris, at the Institute of Higher Studies on Latin America (IHEAL), Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, where they will obtain theoretical and methodological bases aiming at their chosen disciplinary field, as well as courses in sociology, political science, economics, history, geography and anthropology. They will also acquire professional skills-oriented training (decentralised cooperation, development aid policies, territorial diagnostics, etc.).

4th semester (30 ECTS)
Students will write their Master’s degree thesis with a supervisor chosen from either Universidad de Salamanca, Stockholms Universitet or Université Sorbonne Nouvelle. Each student will choose between two options, one research oriented and other oriented towards the professional world:
- Fieldwork: consist in doing a field research of 3 months maximum. Students will benefit from the help of their supervisor as well as a co-supervisor from one of the associated universities in Latin America or Belgium.
- Professional internship: consist in doing an internship of 3 months maximum with one of the non-academic partners in Latin America or Europe.